Grab your favorite headphones...

… and see if you can tell the difference between Morpheus violins and instruments valued at over a million dollars.

Can you tell which is which?

Still not sure? Listen to each track separately below

Were the Gagliano and Fagnola set A or set B?

We want to know how many people out there can hear the difference between our violins and a set of antique violins collectively valued over 1 million dollars.

Even Charles and Rachel, who played both sets for the recording, were stunned by their results when they took the challenge.

Tell us which ones you think are the million dollar set and we’ll email you the results of the challenge along with an incredible promotional offer for the first 100 people who take the challenge.

Take the Challenge




The Music: Telemann Canonic Sonata for two violins 

The Violinists: Charles and Rachel Stegeman

The Challenge: Gagliano 1776 and Fagnola 1923 vs. standard Morpheus violins (right out of the box)

This audio is completely unedited, recorded direct with AKG microphones in 24/48 with no processing

On 1 January 2025, we’ll publish the data on which percentage of listeners preferred the Morpheus